''Julia B. Laperrière gladly blurs the lines between disciplines to create an art that confronts, questions and moves. UnCOVERED woMAN speaks of women, religion and resistance. With a delicate yet provoking stage direction, she delivers an instant of extreme beauty and reflection.'' - Quartiers Danses Festival
«Julia B. Laperrière n’hésite pas à brouiller les frontières entre les disciplines pour donner à voir un art qui confronte, questionne et émeut. UnCOVERED woMAN parle de femme, de religion et de résistance. Sous une mise en scène, délicate et provocante, elle nous livre un moment d’une extrême beauté… réflexive.» - Festival Quartiers Danses
A bag around the neck is like a chain or a leash; put that bag on your head it becomes a veil; put yourself in the bag and you become for sale. How can merchandising of the woman’s body, opposed to its shameful covering, resonate to one another, and what are the questions that arise from this resonance ?Working with objects, symbols and nudity, the piece plays between hiding and revealing, presenting an ever evolving and morphing imagery. Reflecting upon the representation of female body on stage and in society, UnCOVERED woMAN aims to be a thought-provoking piece of visual poetry.
TRAILER : http://tanzforumberlin.de/trailer899.php
Support : Département de Danse de l'UQAM, Regierung von Quebec in Deutschland, ada Studio (Uferstudios Berlin) andDance Matters (Toronto).

Photos : Nuphar Blechner, Jacquie Hopfinger & Emanuele Pensavalle